sept. eighth at six twenty p.m.
september rain brings pain


cold raindrop falls down
fatal error kills haiku
day ends with a sound


anything on diaryland is much more interesting than doing bio homework, so i'll prolong the horror of facing it.

and i'll prolong the horror of facing this because i don't want to. i don't want to face this little problem because this is one thing i'd like to have a quick fix for but it doesn't seem like there is one in sight and for once "what's that?!" and pointing doesn't keep your eyes off me. i want you to look away, i want you to quit. be a quitter, you'll never win. that is why you can't quit smoking.

i only tell SOME people my secrets. i only break SOME hearts. i only kiss SOME lips.

i want to work in an office building so i can send and recieve memos.

apr�s - vers l'avant

bout cinq...
ate pm - 2013-01-09
2012-12-02 - 2012-12-02
won a.m. - 2012-11-16
long cold nights - 2012-10-30
drowned dreams - 2012-10-30
