2005-02-04 at 15:48

Name = laine j. sloan
Tattoos = not yet
Piercing = labret
Height = 7'6"?
Shoe size = 5 mens, 7 womens
Hair color = black?
Eye color = hazel.

Movie you rented = WEED and young adam
Movie you last bought = the last movie i obtained was the outsiders
CD you bought/burned = i'm wide awake, it's morning -bright eyes
Song you listened to = CURRENTY: miscellaneous radio
T.V. show you've watched = john stewart
Last thing you bought = cigarettes
You wish you could live somewhere else? = yes
You have a crush on someone? = no
Others find you attractive = perhaps
You want more piercing = not really
You like cleaning = nope
You like roller coasters = sometmes
Long distance relationships. = never had one
Driving drunk = i've never driven before
Ever cried over a girl = nope
Ever cried over a guy= oh, probably
Ever been arrested = yes

Person who last:
Saw you cry: ?
Yelled at you: i can't recall..
Sent you an email: friendster

Have you ever:
Said "I love you"= to my mom
Cried during a movie = yes
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: i don't really watch tv
Wished you were the opposite sex? no
Walmart or target?: n/a
Spring or Fall?: fall
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: finish work, go to physio
Noise you heard?: music on the radio
Do you believe in love at first sight?: maybe
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: no
Most important thing to you in a friendship is? ??
Criminal record?: no
Do you speak any other languages?: some french
Last book you read: better than sex by hunter thompson
Who you love:
How old do you look? ?
How old do you act?: who knows
Pets: i live with clementine jesus, machine, carl malone, and emily

Have You Ever:
Thought you were going to die: probably
Wanted to Run away: who hasn't?
Flunked a grade: no
Ran away: no
Skipped a grade: no
Been in jail: no
Contacted the police: no
Been in love: yes
Been in lust: yes
Been suspended: no
Stolen Anything: probably
Cheated On A Test: probably
Been In The Hospital: yes
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yes
Fell asleep in the bath: no
Gone to Church: no
Been to camp: once
Been in a earthquake: no
Been in a tornado: no
Knew you were in love: yes
Streaked in the streets: no
Screamed at someone you love: no
Been attacked: no
Stayed on the phone for over 3 hours: yes
What time is it now: 3:57pm.

apr�s - vers l'avant

bout cinq...
ate pm - 2013-01-09
2012-12-02 - 2012-12-02
won a.m. - 2012-11-16
long cold nights - 2012-10-30
drowned dreams - 2012-10-30
