sept. eleventh at seven thirty p.m.
squeeze until my fingers fall off

i'd really like to write a short/long story but havn't as of yet had the inspiration for a story line. not that i REALLY need a story line, but i need at least something to start off with. i was thinking i would write about some guy's messed up life about how he can't sleep, walking around in a caffine-induced state most of his life while trying to maintain meaningful relationships with people he thinks deserves it, but fails miserably with every passing day. i think i'd like to start drawing cartoons too, and then maybe come up with a story line for the cartoons, but not make a comic.

i hope downtown is on tonight, i'm beginning to enjoy that show, even though it's trying so hard to be hip. somehow still entertaining, though. i like how the main character was a geek three years ago, but now would be considered "cool". i'm so tired i actually called downtown a movie.

i actually hope to form a routine where every night i watch downtown at 11:30 and then watch waking life or some other sort of contemplative movie and then go upstairs and read before i fall asleep. maybe also listen to music somewhere in there.

whoa, i wish i was new to my school.

holy typos, batman.

band practice tomorrow.

slap me when i start to talk to myself.

apr�s - vers l'avant

bout cinq...
ate pm - 2013-01-09
2012-12-02 - 2012-12-02
won a.m. - 2012-11-16
long cold nights - 2012-10-30
drowned dreams - 2012-10-30
